Boca Ciega Point East – Sewer Pipe Survey

Boca Ciega Point East - HOA Sewer Pipe Survey
This survey is being done by the Condo 16 "Sewer Pipe Committee" to better understand what the rest of the community is doing- or not doing, regarding the sewer pipes in each association. The results of the survey will be shared with the individual boards and the Federation. Please answer each question that pertains to your association. If the sewer pipes are not a discussion point in your association, please answer no to first question and fill out questions 13 and 15 and submit. Thank you.

1. Has your Board of Directors discussed possible issues with your sewer pipes?*

1. Has your Board of Directors discussed possible issues with your sewer pipes?*

Clear selection

2. Has your Board of Directors discussed any actions regarding the sewer pipes?

2. Has your Board of Directors discussed any actions regarding the sewer pipes?

Clear selection

3. What actions has your Association discussed?

3. What actions has your Association discussed?

Clear selection

4. Have you had any or all of your pipes scoped ?

4. Have you had any or all of your pipes scoped ?

Clear selection

5. If you had the pipes scoped in your association - what percentage were scope?

5. If you had the pipes scoped in your association - what percentage were scope?

Clear selection

6. If your pipes were scoped- can you describe what was found?

6. If your pipes were scoped- can you describe what was found?

Clear selection

7. Has your board decided on a direction regarding its sewer pipes?

7. Has your board decided on a direction regarding its sewer pipes?

Clear selection

8. If yes - what course of action is planned?

8. If yes - what course of action is planned?

Clear selection

9. If you decided on an action, is this a vote for the board or members?

9. If you decided on an action, is this a vote for the board or members?

Clear selection

10. What is the current status of your associations actions regarding the sewer pipes?

10. What is the current status of your associations actions regarding the sewer pipes?

Clear selection

11. What vendors you have used or are considering for a solution?

11. What vendors you have used or are considering for a solution?

Clear selection

12. What is the estimated cost per unit for your plan of action?

12. What is the estimated cost per unit for your plan of action?

Clear selection

13. What is your name and association board title?

13. What is your name and association board title?

Clear selection

14. Can we contact you if we have additional questions?

14. Can we contact you if we have additional questions?

Clear selection

15. Which Association do you represent?

15. Which Association do you represent?

Clear selection

Please provide any additional comments below regarding the sewer pipes in your association.

Please provide any additional comments below regarding the sewer pipes in your association.

Clear selection